AccueilATPLes hommages se multiplient pour Murray

Les hommages se multi­plient pour Murray


Depuis l’annonce de l’arrêt de sa carrière, Andy Murray ne cesse de rece­voir des messages de soutien et de féli­ci­ta­tions. Preuve que le Britannique était très apprécié par les joueurs sur le circuit…

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Andy, I know you take me for a joker most of the time, but at least hear me out on this one old friend. You will always be someone that impacted the sport in so many different ways, I know this was never the way you wanted to go out, but hey it was a heck of a ride. You took me under your wing as soon as I got on tour, and to this day you have been someone I lite­rally just look forward to seeing. You are one crazy tennis player, miles better than me, but I just want you to know that today isn’t only a sad day for you and your team, it’s a sad day for the sport and for everyone you’ve had an impact on. Which leaves me big fella.. these are a couple photos, that should make you smile and think, I was actually a little bit of a younger brother to you. Anyways, I just want you to know, and I’m sure you already do, everyone wants you to keep figh­ting and to keep being you. Goodluck at the Australian Open muzz, I’ll be behind you. #onelast­dance ????????????????

Une publi­ca­tion partagée par Kygs (@k1ngkyrg1os) le