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Tsitsipas : « Je ne sais pas si j’étais Pythagore ou Socrate dans ma vie anté­rieure, mais cela ne me déran­ge­rait pas d’être l’un ou l’autre »⁣⁣


Le joueur grec s’est confié à Behind The Racquet. Comme d’ha­bi­tude, c’est très intéressant. 

On le sait Stefanos est un joueur à part sur le circuit. Il s’ex­prime libre­ment au sujet certaines théma­tiques et pas seule­ment celles qui entourent le tennis. C’est ce qui fait aussi son charme. 

Au fil de ses décla­ra­tions, il est donc devenu un vrai person­nage, créatif, et souvent surpre­nant. « J’ai des passe‐temps qui m’in­té­ressent et qui sont liés à diffé­rents aspects de la vie. Ces acti­vités me permettent d’être créatif et cela se reflètent dans mon jeu de tennis. Parfois, je publie sur mes réseaux sociaux des choses que peu de gens comprennent. Ces messages expriment ma créa­ti­vité inté­rieure. Je suis philo­sophe, je viens d’un pays avec une histoire autour de la philo­so­phie et je ne sais pas si j’étais Pythagore ou Socrate dans ma vie anté­rieure, mais cela ne me déran­ge­rait pas d’être l’un ou l’autre »⁣⁣ a déclaré le joueur grec.

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“In 2018, I broke into the Top 15 and was seeded in Grand Slams. That’s when I unders­tood my poten­tial. In the begin­ning, I traveled with only my dad. Now, I travel with my dad, mom, and three siblings. I’m the main source of income for my family. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I have hobbies that keep me inter­ested in different aspects of life. These acti­vi­ties keep me crea­tive and are reflected in my tennis game. Sometimes, I post things on my social media that not many people unders­tand. These posts express my inner crea­ti­vity. I put Stefanos’ twist on life. I am philo­so­phical, I come from a country with a history of philo­sophy and I don’t know if I was Pythagoras or Socrates in my previous life, but I wouldn’t mind being either one. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ There was a time when I wasn’t doing well. I started to play futures and was doub­ting myself. I wasn’t sure if I was good enough to play profes­sional tennis. My country was on the verge of bankruptcy. The entire popu­la­tion was suffe­ring. My father’s siblings were unem­ployed and couldn’t feed their fami­lies. People looked at me like I was the one ruling the country and they thought I was part of the problem. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I felt isolated. I wasn’t home to see what was going on because I was trave­ling. I needed support. My mental coach shared his wisdom and inspired me. Then I said to myself, ‘You’ve dedi­cated your entire life to tennis, you can’t just give up. You’ve got to keep going.’ I play tennis to prove that my country has a great history and can achieve success. Tennis is a very intro­verted sport and we face every­thing alone. We have a team that follows us all over the world but I have spent count­less slee­pless nights on my own. All the trave­ling and compe­ting causes a lot of stress and I grew very lonely.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I was an intro­verted child and didn’t have many friends. When I started playing on tour, I thought I would develop friend­ships but it turned out to be the oppo­site. Most players keep to them­selves. I feel like players don’t want to become friends because they think someone will grab a secret from you to beat you. I guess they’re just too serious about the whole thing. Friends would make trave­ling less lonely.⁣⁣” @stefanostsitsipas98 #BTR

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