AccueilWTACahill n'est plus l'entraîneur d'Halep

Cahill n’est plus l’en­traî­neur d’Halep


L’information a été confirmé par l’intéressé lui‐même. Darren Cahill, coach de la Roumaine Simona Halep depuis juin 2015 a décidé de mettre fin à leur colla­bo­ra­tion pour des raisons pure­ment person­nelles. En effet, le coach austra­lien explique sur son compte Instagram qu’il est main­te­nant trop dur pour lui d’évo­luer loin de sa famille et qu’il compte arrêter le métier d’en­traî­neur pour au moins un an. A 53 ans, ce natif d’Adélaïde va néan­moins pour­suivre son rôle de consul­tant auprès de la chaîne ESPN sur les tour­nois du Grand Chelem. 

Voir cette publi­ca­tion sur Instagram

I would like to announce that Simona and I will not be conti­nuing our part­ner­ship in 2019 purely for family reasons on my part. . After much thought and discus­sion, and many years with 30 plus weeks on the road away from my family, I’ve decided to take a 12 month break from coaching to be home more for support as our chil­dren enter impor­tant stages of their lives with the final year of high school, sports and college prepa­ra­tions all beco­ming more time consu­ming. . I’d like to thank Simona for the last 4 amazing years. Her unders­tan­ding, perso­na­lity, work ethic, gene­ro­sity and profes­sio­na­lism made it a plea­sure to stand by her side as her coach. She’s a young woman of total class and someone I respect greatly which is some­thing more impor­tant than any result achieved. . Basically, I had the dream job and I want to thank her for making it that way, and the oppor­tu­nity to work with someone so talented and dedi­cated. . I wish Simo and her team nothing but conti­nued success and I look forward to suppor­ting her from the side­lines next year. . A special mention to Theo Cercel, Andrei Cristofor and Virginia Ruzici for all of the support, belief, friend­ship and great work through the years. . And finally, to the Romanian fans that show unwa­ve­ring passion and support for their girl. You guys rock, seriously. Thanks for adop­ting this Aussie as one of your own for the last 4 years and making me feel welcome in your country. Mulțumesc ❤️ . I will continue to work with the ESPN team at the AO, Wimbledon & US Open tour­na­ments in 2019. . Cheers, Darren

Une publi­ca­tion partagée par Darren Cahill (@dc10s) le