AccueilWTAKasatkina stoppe avec Philippe Dehaes

Kasatkina stoppe avec Philippe Dehaes


Sur son compte Instagram, Daria Kasatkina a annoncé qu’elle mettait un terme à sa colla­bo­ra­tion avec Philippe Dehaes. La Russe a décidé de se prendre en charge seule et le coach belge a besoin de passer du temps avec sa famille. L’entraîneur avait beau­coup plu avec ses discours ultra posi­tifs. Il a permis à la joueuse russe d’atteindre la dixième place mondiale en octobre dernier.

Voir cette publi­ca­tion sur Instagram

It is with sadness that I am announ­cing that myself and Philippe Dehaes are parting ways after a very successful part­ner­ship. I owe Philippe a huge amount for the success I’ve had over the past two years since we started working toge­ther but after deci­ding I need to take control and respon­si­bi­lity for my own tennis, I felt I needed to do this alone and take a break from working with Philippe but as he has a family and chil­dren to support, I unders­tand this is not possible for him and it’s best we go our sepa­rate way. Who knows what the future holds, never say never. I’d just like to go on record as saying thank you again to Philippe, you’ll always mean a lot to me and I wish you the very best. Thanks for every­thing coach, you will always have a special place in my heart. Gonna miss yours on court coachings and all the song you’ve been singing in the car. Dashka????

Une publi­ca­tion partagée par Daria Kasatkina???? (@kasatkina) le

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