AccueilWTASwiatek : "J'ai réalisé que ma vie personnelle affectait mes performances"

Swiatek : « J’ai réalisé que ma vie person­nelle affec­tait mes performances »


La Polonaise Iga Swiatek, 19 ans, récente lauréate de Roland Garros s’est confiée à l’ex­cellent Behind The Racquet. Elle y raconte notam­ment comment elle a dû gérer ses émotions sur le court en résol­vant tout d’abord ses problèmes personnels.

« Les gens ne sont souvent pas conscients de la pres­sion exercée en tant que joueurs de tennis. Pour moi, la pres­sion est toujours venue de l’in­té­rieur. J’ai toujours voulu travailler avec un psycho­logue. J’ai réalisé que ma vie person­nelle affec­tait ma perfor­mance. J’ai commencé à travailler sur des choses autres que le tennis et je me suis concentré sur ma rela­tion avec mes parents. J’ai réalisé que ma perfor­mance sur le terrain s’amé­lio­re­rait lorsque je réglais des choses hors du terrain. L’aspect mental est souvent la diffé­rence entre gagner et perdre un match. Nous sommes seuls sur le court et seuls dans l’avion. Il est impor­tant d’avoir quel­qu’un de confiance », a très juste­ment raconté Swiatek qui a prouvé lors des Internationaux de France qu’elle avait la « tête dure ». ⁣

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“I am only 19 years old so nothing special has happened in my life. Growing up, I played tennis because I had a lot of energy as a kid. Tennis was a chance for me to be alone on the court and make my own deci­sions. I loved winning and was good at it. But I did not fall in love with tennis right away because I did not know how much it could bring to my life. At age 15, I played my first junior Grand Slam, the French Open. This was the first time I wanted to be a profes­sional tennis player. I was the top‐ranked player in Poland but didn’t know if I was mentally or physi­cally ready to play profes­sio­nally. We do not have many players in my country so I was not around expe­rienced players who could teach me how to make it on tour. I had to find my own way.⁣ ⁣ People are often not aware of how much pres­sure we have as tennis players. For me, pres­sure has always come from inside. I always wanted to work with a psycho­lo­gist. I realized my personal life affects my perfor­mance. I started working on non‐tennis things and focused on my rela­tion­ship with my parents. I realized my on‐court perfor­mance would improve when I settle off‐court things. The mental aspect often is the diffe­rence between winning and losing a match. We are alone on the court and alone on the plane. It’s impor­tant to have someone you can trust. ⁣ ⁣ School is a big part of my life. I graduated high school a few weeks ago. The pandemic gave me time to do well on my final exams. It was hard to study while playing on tour because I am ambi­tious and want to do every­thing perfectly. My psycho­lo­gist helped me realize I don’t have to do every­thing perfectly. I might go to college within the next few years. It depends on my tennis career because if I win a Grand Slam next year and become a Top 5 player, I don’t think I’m going to have time. ⁣ ⁣ The most impor­tant thing is to main­tain a posi­tive state of mind and focus on mental health because we have to deal with many things such as inju­ries and risking our own health some­times. I want to raise aware­ness about tennis in Poland and do charity work to help kids achieve their dreams. I have many ideas but have not had the guts to act on them yet.” @iga.swiatek #BTR

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